The Love for Pebbles

Running for a long time,

She took a long pause,

Where was she going,

And what was the cause.

Taking a seat on the bench,

She observed a child,

Happily playing with pebbles,

And she was impressed and smiled.

Struck by the non-reversal of age,

How much of her had she lost,

In a continuous pursuit,

Her peace and loss of love was the cost.

Could she be like that child,

Finding joy in the smallest of things,

Why depend on others,

For the warmth and the bling.

A foolish thing it is indeed,

To look in the external,

For the love that resides,

Always in the internal.

As she felt this click,

Rising from the bench,

She joined the boy,

And a part of her unclenched.

Β©2021 Shreya Shah

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